16 Tons of Saturday

Happy happy Saturday.  For some of you, Saturday morning conjures images of sleeping in, reading the paper while sipping your coffee, generating your to-do list for the weekend, starting a pot of soup or setting bread to rise, hitting the trail for a loop around the lake, deadheading the rhododendrons, or maybe thinking about throwing in a load or two of laundry . . . all of these quiet, pleasant activities that set a week of hard work behind you.  It’s a day of restoration, a day of catching your breath.  Yay for Saturday.

o brother chain gang


Others of you see Saturday as another work day that might even be a bit busier or a touch more demanding than the other days of the week.  You might be waiting tables on a Saturday night or checking groceries in a tourist town food market or catching up on that work project when the office is finally quiet or lesson planning classes and grading papers for the following week or making up hours to fill your paycheck to your weekly max or working customer service at a large store where everyone takes care of their returns on Saturday.  It is a day of watching your friends be friends: going to Farmers’ Market, lunching at the brew pub, engaging in Book Group, shopping for groceries or shoes . . . this sort of thing.  It all looks to be pretty idyllic when you are the one working away while your friends are off playing and engaging in leisure activities.  (Enter theme music): My Life on the Chain Gang.

Well, if you are part of this Saturday group, like so many of us are, this post is for you.  And if you sometimes feel like you’ve sold your soul to the company store, you are going to love this version of “16 Tons” sung by Tennessee Ernie Ford.  Enjoy the music below.  I know that Saturday can feel harried, but try to take some time to enjoy some music.  It is truly balm for the soul.

And while you are enjoying this music, snap your fingers, tap your toes, and dance.  Yes, dance.  When was the last time you just stood up and started dancing at home?  Truly.  When was the last time?  And who cares if someone is watching.  In fact, if someone is . . . even better.  He or she might join in with you.  Be a trend setter.  Dance!

If you dance to these tunes below, please, please, please, share a comment as to how it made you feel.  We’ll all enjoy reading about your dancing!

Happy working, happy Saturday, happy dancing, happy life.

Live is a lively event.  Dance like someone is watching you, drink coffee, and get to it.  What’s stopping you?

xox Boots



And when was the last time you watched O Brother, Where Art Thou?  Or listened to the soundtrack?  Fun!  Maybe tonight would be the perfect night for it.

O Brother, Where Art Thou?


O Brother, Where Art Thou? by Various Artists (2000) Audio CD


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